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Specialty Insurances
Mergers and acquisitions
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In a transaction leading to a merger or acquisition, guarantees are issued - often by the seller. If a guarantee is not honoured, the buyer can hold the provider liable for the loss incurred. Parties can get into trouble if they are unable to bear potential claims and fulfil the obligations.

A so-called Warranty & Indemnity insurance takes over these obligations. Blue Risk's professionals will give you quick and clear insight into insurable risks and the differences between insurers.

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Blue Risk is als assurantieadviseur verbonden aan Brookz, het belangrijkste overnameplatform van Nederland.

  • Standard insurance covers financial loss due to breach of a warranty. This is often supplemented by cover for any tax assesments.
  • Blue Risk not only offers insurance solutions for the buyer or seller, but also for other parties such as investors, private equity firms and financial institutions.
  • Fraud by seller (under seller’s policy)
  • Damage caused by intent or recklessness
  • Criminal fines
  • Guarantees on future pension rights
  • Payment guarantees from debtors
  • Breach of pre-closing covenants
  • Purchase price adjustments in the purchase agreement

Private Equity and Venture Capital parties, buyers and sellers of corporations.

A Warranty & Indemnity policy is tailormade and depends entirely on the nature and content of the purchase/sale agreement. We can give and indication when we understand the nature and content of the agreement.


Who takes out a W&I insurance? The seller or the buyer?

Insurance used to be taken out a lot by the seller, and nowadays it is often the buyer who takes out the policy. Since it is tailor-made, all intermediate forms are also possible.  

From what value is W&I insurance interesting?

S&I insurance is particularly interesting for transactions from € 20 million onwards.

blue risk

Blue Risk Specialty Insurances helps businesses, entrepreneurs, and directors manage their risks so they can operate more freely and effectively.


Het Industriegebouw
Goudsesingel 136, unit 3.04
3011 KD Rotterdam
The Netherlands

+31 (0)10 311 00 19

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Business insurance, but smarter